We supply innovative, beneficial and reliable technology. We strive to constantly improve the efficiency of our systems, ensuring that they are echo-friendly. Some of our projects are LEED certified for reduced environmental impact.

Air Conditioning System

  1. Free match inverter Mini-VRF
  2. Hi per Packaged AC System
  3. Centralized Air Conditioning System of Air Cooled / Water Cooled Chiller
  4. VRF System
  5. VRF
  6. Split, Duct-able and Package AC system

Speciality Cooling Product

  1. Modular Cold Room and Mortuary System
  2. Process Chiller
  3. Precision Air Conditioning System
  4. Evaporative Cooling System
  5. Forced Draft Ventilation System


Construction is a general term meaning the art and science to form objects systems organizations....